"1980 (fall), shooting the film "In the Beginning V: The Story" at Point Reyes, California. A series of photos by Alan Schreiber featuring George Manupelli as the film director, Jacqueline Humbert as an actor, and David Rosenboom as the author of the scenario and music. Among the actors were also percussionist William Winant and dance artist Jean Moncrieff.
The film was created for the last composition in the series “In the Beginning” (1978-1981) by Rosenboom. Conceived as an exploration of resonant phenomena through the progression of symmetries and asymmetries by introducing into compositions linear and non-linear forms, harmonic and subharmonic patterns, and shapes of human expression, the series was a part of Rosenboom's long-term aspiration to model the evolution of the cosmos through composing.
“The Story” unfolds a narrative about human beings striving to double themselves, particularly through religion and technology, and the processes of emergence and evolution of a potentially global consciousness awakening through continuous perceptual differentiation, embodied in new concepts and beliefs. An excerpt of the dialogue created for “In the Beginning V” is featured on the recording “Future Travel” (1981) as the voice part spoken by Humbert.