First appearance at Mike Douglas Show in 1971. After several well-covered in media performances of Ecology of the Skin, which premiered in December 1970 at Automation House in New York, the brainwave work of David Rosenboom came to the attention of a producer of the show.
Though the catchy titles used by the authors in The New York Times (“Music draws Strains Direct from Brains” or “think a melody”) were only partly corresponding to reality, they attracted a lot of public interest and became a factor of Rosenboom’s appearance in the episode, along with the actors Hermione Gingold and Terry Thomas. In the course of the talk with Douglas, the musician-scientist used the chance to clarify misconceptions about the use of biofeedback in musical performance. In the conversation, Rosenboom also shared a description of his new technological development: Biophysical Computing Devices (BCD).
According to the proposal for BCD Corp. to be created, the goal of the company was to make: “A device that provides knowledge of the results of any behavior considered as influencing or modifying further performance by the organism.” Along with producing patentable biofeedback equipment for specialized uses, BCD Corp. planned to design individual wearable biofeedback devices: “Wearable comprehensive “BIOCOMP”, a watch-sized Biological Computer giving feedback from a complete electro-physiological scan of the entire organism, only possible by utilizing our new circuit developments.”
(Citations from the the project proposal of 1971 "Biophysical Computing Devices (BCD Corp.)", written by David Rosenboom and kept at his archive.)